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Anas Ikwana | Blogger Blitar

Cara Membuat Efek Salju Turun Di Blog atau Situs Web

Cara Membuat Efek Salju Turun Di Blog atau Situs Web - Hallo sobat Blogger semua, setelah sebelumnya saya membagikan tutorial tentang Cara Membuat Efek Salju Turun Dengan CSS3, pada kesempatan ini saya akan membagikan artikel tentang cara Membuat Efek Salju turun di Blog dengan Versi lain.

Untuk cara memasangnya, sobat bisa mengikuti tutorial di bawah ini.

Petunjuk Cara Membuat Efek Salju Turun Di Blog atau Situs Web
1.Untuk menambah Efek salju, Cari tag <body> dan tempelkan kode dibawah ini sesudah tag tersebut. Atau bisa ditaruh sebelum/di atasnya tag </body>

<style> #snowflakeContainer { position: absolute; left: 0px; top: 0px; } .snowflake { padding-left: 15px; font-family: Cambria, Georgia, serif; font-size: 14px; line-height: 24px; position: fixed; color: #FFFFFF; user-select: none; z-index: 1000; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -webkit-touch-callout: none; } .snowflake:hover { cursor: default; } </style> <div id='snowflakeContainer'> <p class='snowflake'>*</p> </div> <script>// The star of every good animation var requestAnimationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame; var transforms = [&quot;transform&quot;, &quot;msTransform&quot;, &quot;webkitTransform&quot;, &quot;mozTransform&quot;, &quot;oTransform&quot;]; var transformProperty = getSupportedPropertyName(transforms); // Array to store our Snowflake objects var snowflakes = []; // Global variables to store our browser&#39;s window size var browserWidth; var browserHeight; // Specify the number of snowflakes you want visible var numberOfSnowflakes = 50; // Flag to reset the position of the snowflakes var resetPosition = false; // // It all starts here... // function setup() { window.addEventListener(&quot;DOMContentLoaded&quot;, generateSnowflakes, false); window.addEventListener(&quot;resize&quot;, setResetFlag, false); } setup(); // // Vendor prefix management // function getSupportedPropertyName(properties) { for (var i = 0; i &lt; properties.length; i++) { if (typeof[properties[i]] != &quot;undefined&quot;) { return properties[i]; } } return null; } // // Constructor for our Snowflake object // function Snowflake(element, radius, speed, xPos, yPos) { // set initial snowflake properties this.element = element; this.radius = radius; this.speed = speed; this.xPos = xPos; this.yPos = yPos; // declare variables used for snowflake&#39;s motion this.counter = 0; this.sign = Math.random() &lt; 0.5 ? 1 : -1; // setting an initial opacity and size for our snowflake = .1 + Math.random(); = 12 + Math.random() * 50 + &quot;px&quot;; } // // The function responsible for actually moving our snowflake // Snowflake.prototype.update = function () { // using some trigonometry to determine our x and y position this.counter += this.speed / 5000; this.xPos += this.sign * this.speed * Math.cos(this.counter) / 40; this.yPos += Math.sin(this.counter) / 40 + this.speed / 30; // setting our snowflake&#39;s position setTranslate3DTransform(this.element, Math.round(this.xPos), Math.round(this.yPos)); // if snowflake goes below the browser window, move it back to the top if (this.yPos &gt; browserHeight) { this.yPos = -50; } } // // A performant way to set your snowflake&#39;s position // function setTranslate3DTransform(element, xPosition, yPosition) { var val = &quot;translate3d(&quot; + xPosition + &quot;px, &quot; + yPosition + &quot;px&quot; + &quot;, 0)&quot;;[transformProperty] = val; } // // The function responsible for creating the snowflake // function generateSnowflakes() { // get our snowflake element from the DOM and store it var originalSnowflake = document.querySelector(&quot;.snowflake&quot;); // access our snowflake element&#39;s parent container var snowflakeContainer = originalSnowflake.parentNode; // get our browser&#39;s size browserWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; browserHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; // create each individual snowflake for (var i = 0; i &lt; numberOfSnowflakes; i++) { // clone our original snowflake and add it to snowflakeContainer var snowflakeCopy = originalSnowflake.cloneNode(true); snowflakeContainer.appendChild(snowflakeCopy); // set our snowflake&#39;s initial position and related properties var initialXPos = getPosition(50, browserWidth); var initialYPos = getPosition(50, browserHeight); var speed = 5+Math.random()*40; var radius = 4+Math.random()*10; // create our Snowflake object var snowflakeObject = new Snowflake(snowflakeCopy, radius, speed, initialXPos, initialYPos); snowflakes.push(snowflakeObject); } // remove the original snowflake because we no longer need it visible snowflakeContainer.removeChild(originalSnowflake); // call the moveSnowflakes function every 30 milliseconds moveSnowflakes(); } // // Responsible for moving each snowflake by calling its update function // function moveSnowflakes() { for (var i = 0; i &lt; snowflakes.length; i++) { var snowflake = snowflakes[i]; snowflake.update(); } // Reset the position of all the snowflakes to a new value if (resetPosition) { browserWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; browserHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; for (var i = 0; i &lt; snowflakes.length; i++) { var snowflake = snowflakes[i]; snowflake.xPos = getPosition(50, browserWidth); snowflake.yPos = getPosition(50, browserHeight); } resetPosition = false; } requestAnimationFrame(moveSnowflakes); } // // This function returns a number between (maximum - offset) and (maximum + offset) // function getPosition(offset, size) { return Math.round(-1*offset + Math.random() * (size+2*offset)); } // // Trigger a reset of all the snowflakes&#39; positions // function setResetFlag(e) { resetPosition = true; }</script>

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